
Identifiers are any name that we assign to things like variables, types, or functions. The difference between identifiers and strings is that string is data but identifiers are a part of code. That’s why we are bound to the limitations of the Lua programming language. In Fuse, we can not convert identifier names to strings but in some situations, we can access the identifier by parsing the string name.

Naming Rules

Valid identifiers should follow the following rules, Otherwise, the Fuse compile will produce an error.

  • Identifier must start with a letter or underscore(_).
  • Identifier can contain ANSI letters, decimal digit characters, and underscores(_).
  • Identifier can not be one of the reserved names(such as Fuse or Lua keywords).

Reserved Identifiers

As mentioned above, Identifiers cannot be a keyword from Fuse or Lua language.

The following keywords are reserved and cannot be used as identifiers.

Fuse Keywords

and        as         break      const      do         else
elseif     end        enum       export     false      for
from       function   fn         global     if         impl
import     in         let        match      mut        never
nil        not        own        or         repeat     return     
pub        self       Self       static     struct     then 
trait      true       type       union      unknown    until
unsafe     when       while      

Legacy Lua Keywords


Future Proof Reserves

These following keywords aren’t a part of the language but they are reserved to keep current programs future proof and therefore one should not assume that all these keywords are coming in the upcoming releases of the Fuse language, Only a select few will get into the actual spec.

abstract   async      await      defer      extends    final
is         override   priv       prot       satisfies  try
virtual    yield      where

Naming Conventions

In addition to the rules above, conventions for identifiers are used throughout the @fuse libraries, These conventions provide some much-needed consistency for variables, functions, public methods, and type names. However, the compiler doesn’t enforce these conventions so feel free to use whatever fit your needs.

Item Conventions
Lua Imports undefined
Modules snake_case
Types PascalCase
Traits PascalCase
Enum Variants PascalCase
Functions snake_case
Methods snake_case
General Constructors new or with_more_details
Conversion Constructors from_some_other_type
Macros snake_case!
Local Variables snake_case
Local Constants snake_case
Generic Parameters PascalCase, either a single uppercase letter or starts with T