
This documentation is structured so that it can be read from top to bottom if you like. Each chapter builds upon what has been introduced previously. We assume the reader is familiar with the overall syntax of Lua and has some basic understanding of programming in general. Any Lua code provided in these examples is handwritten and shouldn’t be assumed as the generated Lua result of Fuse code compilation. They are just there for the comparison and don’t represent the generated Lua code.

Hello World

After installing the Fuse you have 2 options to use it, either using fuse as your Lua interpreter or compiling your code into pure Lua code with the help of the fusec command. So let’s create a file called hello.fuse, Now let’s write a little hello world program.

print("Hello, World!")

Now go to the directory containing your file and run the following command.

fusec hello.fuse --target 5.1

After running this command you can find a new file beside hello.fuse called hello.lua which now you can execute with any Lua 5.1 interpreter.

Alternatively, you can use this command to execute your fuse file directly.

fuse hello.fuse

Congratulations you just wrote and ran your first Fuse code!


Fuse is a gradually typed language, Historicly languages with strong type systems impose a lot of boilerplate code on the developers. In Fuse, like most modern typed languages you usually don’t need to annotate anything to get the benefits of the type system. This happens thanks to the type inference, The Type of all these variables is determined by their initialization:

let pi = 3.1415
let c = 299792458
let e = 2.7182
let name = "Ada Lovelace"
let pi = 3.14
let do_major = ["do", "re", "mi", "fa", "sol", "la", "si", "do"]
let player = {
  health: 70,
  score: 248.3,
  spells: [
    "Fire Breath",
    "Ice Blast",
    "Ice Wall",
    "Master Elements(Passive)",

All variables in Fuse by default are immutable, This means that after initializing its value we no longer can change it. But what about when we want to modify a variable? We have 2 ways to acheive this. One is simply define a new immutable variable with the same name.

let genre = "Jazz"
let genre = genre.lowercase()

This way we would essentially shadow the old variable with a new variable simulating a variable mutation. But this won’t work in all cases, Sometimes all we need is plain old mutable variables. We can mark a variable as mutable by adding the mut keyword in the variable declaration.

let mut sum = 0
for i in 1..100 do
  sum += i


Even tho we don’t have to explicitly define the types in the examples above, underneath all of them are getting the correct type with type inference. In Fuse, we annotate types after the variable’s name. This style of type annotation lets us push every variable-specific part to the right and keep the left-hand side of our variable definitions cleaner.

Here are some variable definitions with explicit type annotations.

let name: string = "Sam"
let max_health: = 100
let mut score: number | string = 30
score = "Max"

As you can see variables can have one or more types, and variables with more than one type in their definition can be used with multiple value types; But reading their value as a specific type needs runtime checks and casting to prevent undesired behaviors.

let score: number | string = 30
let score_number: number = score -- Error, Won't compile since may result in type error!
let score_number: number = score as number -- Ok, Since we are explicitly casting to a number.


Fuse keeps the original syntax of the Lua language with one exception functions like all values are defined in the local scope by default. Here is a function that will take two number and will return a number:

function sum(a: number, b: number) -> number
  return a + b

In addition to that you can also use the fn keyword instead of the longer version of it.

fn sum(a: number, b: number) -> number
  return a + b

For functions with a single expression body, you can omit the end keyword and use the => sign to assign the return value of the function.

fn sum(a: number, b: number) -> number => a + b

Conditional Expressions

if num > 0  then
elseif num < 0 then

In Fuse if also can be used as an expression.

let max = if a > b then a else b end

For Loop

let fruits = ["apple", "orange", "kiwi", "banana"]
for fruit in fruits do

See For Loop

While Loop

let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
let mut index = 1
while index < #numbers do
  print("Number at index ${index} is ${numbers[index]}")
  index += 1

Repeat Loop

repeat works similarly to a while loop but it will always execute the code block before checking the condition of the loop.

let num = 1

  print("num: ${num}")
  num += 1
until num == 10

assert(num == 10)

Infinite Loop

A repeat block without any condition will act as an infinite loop.

  print("This will print forever!")

You can also achieve the same thing with a while loop like this:

while true do
  print("This will print forever!")

Match Expression

fn handle_request(req: Request) -> string
  match req when
    { status: 200 } then req.body end
    { status } if status >= 400 and status < 500 then "User Error" end
    { status } if status >= 500 and status < 600 then "Server Error" end
    { status: 900 } then "Unknown Error" end
    else "Unknown Error" end


-- This is a single-line comment

--- This is a documentation comment used to document variables,
--- functions, structs, traits, and libraries. Tools and text editors
--- may treat these comments differently.

Right now Fuse doesn’t support multiline comments. we may add them back in the future but only if we see a real demand for them.

Optional and nil

Fuse itself is a nil/null safe language, We do not let any nil values be passed around. Instead we can use an Optional type to represent a value that may be nil, You may also know Optional types as Maybe and/or Option and other languages.

This function returns a User if it exists otherwise it would return nothing.

fn get_user(id: number) -> Optional<User>
  if user_exists(id) then

Note: There is actually a nil value exists in Fuse for compatibility with Lua, But there is no direct interaction with this value unless we are in an unsafe block. It will be explored in the Interfacing with Lua.

We can also add a question mark(?) to the end of our type to represent the same thing.

fn get_user(id: number) -> User? -- result in Optional<User>
  if user_exists(id) then

When using an Optional value, We have to first unwrap the said value.

fn post_login_hooks(data: LoginData)
  let option = get_user(data.uid)

  if option.is_ok() then
    let user = option.unwrap()
    print("Hello, ${user.display_name}")
    print("User Not Found.")

Or using pattern-matching

let message = match option when
  Some(user) then "Hello, ${user.display_name}" end
  None then "User Not Found." end



To access exposed modules from other libraries use the import instruction.

-- Importing from our project.
import MyModule from "relative/path/to/module"
import { func } from "relative/path/to/another-module"

-- Importing something from fuse standard library
import io from "@fuse:io"
import { HashMap } from "@fuse:collections"

-- Importing from packages.
import ThirdPartyPackage from "package:third-party-package"

-- Importing libraries from the Lua path.
import name from "@lua:path/to/lib"

Note: As a conversion in Fuse we name files and directories with kebab-case but there is no restriction imposed on it by the compiler, For modules it is also possible to name them using kebab-case or snake_case, Similar to Rust’s cargo, Fuse would resolve my-module and my_module to the same module.


Lua comes with a really smart design for implementing both objects and arrays all with the same piece of code. By doing so they have made the interpreter insanely small and portable, For a compiled language like fuse this isn’t a goal anymore; After all Fuse will compile into vanilla Lua and won’t need anything other than a viable Lua interpreter to run. Because of these differences in the workflow of Fuse and Lua, We can introduce additional data structures with Zero Cost Abstraction. Some of these new data structures are our collections module which comes with multiple useful tools in addition to the table, Things such as, Array, List, Map, and Set among others(see Fuse Standard Library).

import { Array, List, Map, Set } from "@fuse:collections"

let array: Array<number> = [1, 2, 3]
let list: List<number> = [1, 2, 3]
let map: Map<string, number> = { "A": 1, "Blue", 42, "Jay": 9 }
let set: Set<string> = { "Just", "The", "Unique", "Entries" }


Lua’s table is the living embodiment of “when you only have a hammer everything is a nail”. While this strategy is good keeping the interpreter small won’t help with the code readability.

Fuse comes with an explicit syntax to define structures which will use the tables under the hood but will make the definition and implementation much more contained.

Here is a simple struct.

struct Book
  name: string
  author: string
  pages: number

impl Book
  pub fn new(name: string, author: string, pages: number) -> Self
    return Self { name, author, pages }


In Fuse we value composition over inheritance, One of the most common tools for providing language-level composition support is traits. Traits are used to share code between structs. They are in concept similar to interfaces. Structs and Tables can implement traits; Traits cannot be instantiated and therefore have no fields.

trait Weapon
  fn fire(self)
  fn reload(self, magazine: Magazine) -> boolean

struct Riffle
  bullets: number

impl Riffle
  const MAX_BULLETS: number = 30

  pub fn new() -> Self
    return Self { bullets: MAX_BULLETS }

impl Weapon for Riffle
  pub fn fire(self)
    if self.bullets > 0 then
      self.bullets -= 1

  pub fn reload(self, magazine Magazine) -> boolean
    self.bullets = Self::MAX_BULLETS
    return true