Pattern Matching

The match expression can be used to exhaustively match a variable with its different possible values. If you are not familiar with the concept of pattern matching you can think of it as some kind of extended switch ... case expression.

We use it to match a variable or an expression with all of its possible patterns. For example, this pattern-matching expression can be used to match a single enum type of seasons.

let name = match season when
  Spring then "Spring" end
  Summer then "Summer" end
  Autumn then "Autumn" end
  Winter then "Winter" end

Since a match expression must be exhaustive, We need to either check every possible value or if we can’t or don’t need to we should include an else block, You can think of it as default in good old switch cases.

match season when
  Summer then ":)" end
  else ":'("

If we can’t match a block to multiple patterns we can use the and and or operator.

match season when
  Summer or Autumn then ":)" end
  else ":'("

A type system with support for pattern matching should enforce the exhaustion of the subject of the match. It means if we start using a product variable such as a Tuple or struct we get to check the product value of all possible patterns for every value in our compound type. For example while a boolean has 2 possible values true or false, and our Season enum contains 4 possible values; If we create a tuple of (Season, boolean) we have to check for 2 x 4 = 8 possible values. That’s what we call a product type.

match tuple when
  (Spring, true) then "Spring and True" end
  (Spring, false) then "Spring and False" end

  (Summer, true) then "Summer and True" end
  (Summer, false) then "Summer and False" end

  (Autumn, true) then "Autumn and True" end
  (Autumn, false) then "Autumn and False" end

  (Winter, true) then "Winter and True" end
  (Winter, false) then "Winter and False" end

A pattern on product types can check only some of the values and capture others to use in the branch. For example, if we don’t care about our boolean value and only want to match our Season we can do this.

match tuple when
  (Spring, bool) then "Spring and ${bool}" end
  (Summer, bool) then "Summer and ${bool}" end
  (Autumn, bool) then "Autumn and ${bool}" end
  (Winter, bool) then "Winter and ${bool}" end

A pattern can also contain an optional condition to further expand the pattern.

For a tuple of (Season, number) containing the current season and day in that season, We can write the following match expression to only print the word Yay! for the second month of Autumn and Spring.

match tuple when
  (Spring or Autumn, day) if day > 30 and day <= 60 then print("Yay!") end
  else end -- do nothing

Or we can use a range for that purpose.

match tuple when
  (Spring or Autumn, in 31..60) then print("Yay!") end
  else end -- do nothing